Intersection Database Action Plan
Create a statewide intersection safety and roadway elements database. (Incorporate the MIRE format; create a standardized data structure to support GIS applications; create an app for data collection; develop partnerships between TxDOT, MPOs, and local agencies to populate the database; and develop and implement an intersection identifier system for posting at intersections.)
Steps For Implementation
- Develop ramp data and edit GIS line work to ensure the roadway network is topologically correct.
- Conduct a Geospatial Roadway Inventory Database (GRID) software enhancement project to incorporate an intersection/interchange inventory.
- Develop algorithms to generate intersections and derive descriptors and location identifiers such that all MIRE fundamental data elements are fully incorporated into the roadway inventory system.
- Maintain the database.
Participating Organizations
TxDOT’s Transportation, Planning, and Programming Division and Traffic Operations Division
Cost to Implement
Time to Implement
- Budget.
- Staffing and staff capacity for data enhancements.
- Database definition and upkeep.
- Data acquisition and maintenance.
- Training data users.