Design and operate roadways to meet the needs of older road users.
Countermeasures for strategy 2 were identified in the following categories.
Roadway design standards
*Implement strategies and standards included in the Human Factors Guide and the Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population broadly across Texas.
* Action PlanSafe system approaches
Adopt Safe System (Vision Zero) and Complete Streets approaches to benefit older road users when designing and operating roadways.
Intersection geometry
Continue to investigate the effectiveness of intersection geometric features (e.g., channelization, island size, and lane width) related to older driver and pedestrian safety.
Commercial developments
Encourage developers to work with law enforcement to proactively mitigate potential crash hazards for older motorists and pedestrians when building or expanding commercial developments based on the FHWA aging population guidance.
Engineer training
*Bring FHWA and National Highway Institute training courses on the Human Factors Guidelines and the Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population to TxDOT districts, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and city engineering audiences.
* Action Plan