The Problem
Post-crash care is a critical part or layer of a safe road system. In the event of a crash, effective post-crash care, involving emergency treatment and trauma care along with rehabilitation, can help reduce the risk of death and serious injuries. Effective post-crash care can help reduce the risk of death and serious injuries. The goal is to enhance the survivability of crashes through expedient access to emergency medical care. However, post-crash care is not confined to medical treatment. The sub-elements of post-crash care include:
*First responders
*Trauma and emergency medical care
*Crash investigation
*Traffic incident management
*Justice (adjudication, probation, treatment)

of deaths and traumas are preventable with optimal emergency and trauma care (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine)
Combating the Issue
Enhance the survivability of crashes through expedient access to emergency medical care, while creating a safe working environment for vital first responders and preventing secondary crashes through robust traffic incident management practices.
Strategies Programs and Projects Emphasis Area TeamClick a strategy below to learn more about the countermeasures for that strategy.