Forgiving Roadside Features Action Plan
Implement barriers, median treatments, and forgiving roadside objects (e.g., use median barriers, safety-treat fixed objects, establish safe-clear policies, and improve slopes) with consideration given to land use context.
Steps For Implementation
- Use safety screening methods to identify, prioritize, and select roadway segments where forgiving roadside features may be effective in reducing the consequences of roadway and lane departures. Include locations where improvements are already planned.
(Participating organizations: TxDOT and city and county agencies) - Select countermeasures based on cost to implement, time to implement, and barriers for selected roadway segments and public input.
(Participating organizations: transportation and law enforcement agencies, and public information officers) - Program funds for implementing countermeasures or incorporating them into existing projects.
(Participating organizations: TxDOT, city and county agencies, and MPOs) - Implement countermeasures in new and existing projects.
(Participating organizations: transportation agencies at state, city, and county levels) - Publicize countermeasures to build additional support for projects.
(Participating organizations: media outlets, and principal investigators and staff at state, city, and county transportation agencies) - Evaluate effectiveness.
(Participating organizations: TxDOT and city and county agencies)
Participating Organizations
See above for each step.
Cost to Implement
Time to Implement
- Adequate knowledge of screening methods.
- Changing engineering practices about incorporating safety into projects and screening for existing issues.
- Implementing countermeasures proactively before there is a problem.
- Funding sources.
- Providing for continuing maintenance.