Wet-Weather Locations Action Plan
Identify and address locations subject to wet-weather run-off-the-road crashes.
Steps For Implementation
- Identify advanced safety screening methods, such as those outlined in the HSM, to prioritize locations with high risk for wet-weather crashes.
(Participating organizations: TxDOT and research agencies) - Combine the methods identified in step 1 with the TxDOT Wet Surface Condition Reduction Program to select top locations for treatment.
(Participating organizations: TxDOT and research agencies) - Assess the road friction level at the time of the crash, and select countermeasures based on the contributing factor. For example, if the crash is due to lack of pavement friction, then a suitable high-friction treatment is needed. If it is due to oil spills, then a treatment that deals with the removal of oil spills is required.
(Participating organizations: law enforcement agencies and research agencies) - Automate the network screening process and countermeasure selection via a Microsoft Excel macro or other software tool.
- Program funds for implementing countermeasures or incorporating them into existing projects.
(Participating organizations: TxDOT, city and county agencies, and MPOs) - Implement countermeasures in new and existing projects.
(Participating organizations: transportation agencies at state, city, and county levels)
Participating Organizations
See above for each step.
* to *** Cost to Implement
$ to $$$ Time to Implement
Various, ranging from short to long
- Adequate knowledge of screening methods.
- Dedicated champions.
- Developing a simple yet reliable automated system.
- Funding sources.