The Problem
Abundant research has shown correctly using appropriate child restraints or seat belts is the single most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries in crashes. The challenge is to convince all passenger vehicle occupants to buckle up. Despite high observed belt use rates, many unrestrained people die in crashes each year.
Despite numerous HVE campaigns and a relatively high seatbelt use rate, the number of people who died in 2020 while not wearing a seat belt increased by 16% over 2019, with 1,073 unrestrained drivers and passengers killed on Texas roadways. In 2021, 27% of the fatally injured drivers and passengers were traveling unrestrained. Of those who suffered a serious injury, 14% were not wearing a seatbelt.
of fatal crashes show a factor of unrestrained persons
Combating the Issue
Strategies were developed to combat the occupant protection clproblem.
Strategies Programs and Projects Emphasis Area TeamOccupant Related Statewide Fatalities and Serious Injury Crashes (2014 - 2022)

Occupant related fatalities and serious injuries compared to total statewide fatalities due to motor vehicle crashes from 2014 to 2022. SHSP was implemented between 2016 and 2017.
Impaired Fatalities and Serious Injuries
Non-Intersection Related
Single-vehicle, run-off-the -road-crashes
Run-off-the-road and impaired driving crashes
Fatal and Serious Injury Impaired Driving Crashes
56% of Unrestrained Occupant Fatal and Serious Crashes are Rural

35% of crashed with an unrestrained occupant are intersection and impaired driving related
Click a strategy below to learn more about the countermeasures for that strategy.