Educate law enforcement on contributing crash factors to improve crash data collection.
Countermeasures for strategy 2 were identified in the following categories.
Law enforcement education
*Educate law enforcement on the use of crash data and the need for accurate information. (Examples are to encourage periodic training for officers on crash reporting; better define contributing factors in instructions for law enforcement officers; and highlight the difference between failure to control speed and speeding over the limit.)
* Action Plan
Education on contributing factors for law enforcement and crash analysts
Ensure law enforcement and crash analysts understand the difference in speeding-related contributing factors and their association with statutes when analyzing crash data.

CR-3 electronic submission
Encourage electronic submission of the standard crash report form (CR-3) and citations, with features to ensure all fields are completed.

CR-3 fields for estimated speed
Collaborate with law enforcement to explore methods to add the estimated speed of vehicles to crash reports (including when vehicles are traveling at or below the speed limit).