Leverage data to improve engineering, education, and enforcement.
Countermeasures for strategy 3 were identified in the following categories.
Mapping resource center
*Develop a resource center for assisting law enforcement agencies with data-driven deployment, including mapping of high-volume crash locations (especially injury and fatality) and contributing factors.
* Action PlanLaw enforcement training
Train and encourage law enforcement agencies to make effective use of data during planning and patrols.
Selective traffic enforcement
*Require STEP grant-funded enforcement programs to be data driven.
* Action PlanReduction of operating speeds
Produce a report on the potential crash, death, and serious injury reduction of shifting all surface streets in urban districts under TxDOT control to a lower operating speed, including feeder/frontage roads.
Safety design demonstration projects
Encourage cities to implement safe design speed demonstration projects in various settings. This could include involving neighborhoods in community-based traffic calming.
Partnering with school districts
Encourage partnerships of agencies with school districts to implement safe streets projects across the state, while also providing the students with knowledge of the crisis of traffic deaths and the potential solutions that modify their behavior and decisions.