Driver’s Education Action Plan
Revisit driver education courses, including parent-taught program design; document the benefits of certified instructor training; and enhance ticket dismissal courses, particularly with regard to speed choice and speeding.
Steps For Implementation
- Estimate the level of effort and cost of the study (review earlier studies).
- Identify sources of potential funding.
- After securing funding, prepare a request for proposals and select the provider.
- Conduct the study.
- Review the 2007 study for gaps in the new study and share the findings.
Participating Organizations
TxDOT, FHWA, research agencies, driver education providers, and DPS
Cost to Implement
Time to Implement
- Current legislation not in line with increasing certified instructor training.
- Countermeasure wording, which needs to be revised to more action-oriented verbiage. The wording needs to be expanded to include the actual effectiveness of educational techniques.
- Pushback from parents and homeschool organizations.