Reduce vulnerable road user crashes on urban arterials and local roadways
Countermeasures for strategy 2 were identified in the following categories.
Sidewalk Inventory and Implementation
Complete sidewalk inventory and implement pedestrian-oriented design treatments at high-volume and/or high-risk pedestrian or pedalcyclist locations.
Implement Proven Countermeasures
Implement proven countermeasures such as leading or exclusive pedestrian intervals at signalized intersections (i.e., pedestrian walk signals activate prior to parallel green), high-volume pedestrian-use signaled intersections, and pedestrian push-button locations.
Develop and Implement Citywide Reduction Plans
Develop and implement a program (i.e. Vision Zero, Road to Zero, Safe Systems, ped action plans) to assist cities, developers and other agencies to develop policies and implement projects that address common pedestrian and pedalcyclist crash types.
Provide Information and Training for Pedestrian Traffic Control Measures
Disseminate information and training for traffic safety professionals on the effectiveness and appropriateness of pedestrian traffic control measures.
Provide Protected Paths
Provide available protected paths when construction impedes on sidewalk, etc.